Letting Kids Read “Silly” Books Helps Them Become Lifelong Readers

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in our homeschooling journey, it’s that the best way to get kids to become lifelong readers and to love reading is to let them read what they actually want to read. And yes, sometimes that means books that seem a little… well, ridiculous. Books filled with fart jokes, talking animals, or illustrations that take up half the pages. Books that wouldn’t exactly make it onto a “best of literature” list.

But you know what? That’s okay. Because if a book makes a child laugh, keeps them turning the pages, and makes them excited to read, then that book is doing exactly what it needs to do.

My 11-year-old has been a bookworm since he was six, and I truly believe that’s because we never forced him to read “serious” books before he was ready. Instead, we let him read books that were fun—books like The Bad Guys series, Captain Underpants, and The Alien Nextdoor. And guess what? He devoured them. He would sit and devour the whole book; flipping through those pages, giggling at the goofy humor, and then ask for the next book in the series.

Now, at 11, he’s reading The Land of Stories—a 400+ page chapter book series that he cannot put down. He’s the one grabbing a book first thing in the morning. He’s the one reading at night before bed. No nagging, no bribing, no “you should be reading something more challenging.” Just pure enjoyment.

And that’s the goal, isn’t it? To raise a child who wants to read – lifelong readers.

I think sometimes, as parents (especially homeschooling parents), we feel this pressure to make sure our kids are always reading something “educational” or high-quality. But here’s the thing: if reading feels like a chore, kids won’t do it. If it’s something they associate with being difficult or boring, they’ll avoid it. But if they associate reading with fun and adventure? Then they’ll keep coming back for more.

There’s plenty of time for them to read the classics and dive into deeper, more complex books. But they’ll never get there if they don’t first learn to love reading. And that love starts with books that are easy, enjoyable, and yes—even a little silly.

So if your kid is begging to read a book that makes you cringe a little inside? Let them. Laugh with them. Encourage them. Because every page they turn is building their confidence, strengthening their reading skills, and—most importantly—helping them become lifelong readers.

Books My Boys Have Loved Reading on Their Own

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I only recommend books and products that I have personally used or similar ones that I truly believe in. Thank you for supporting our homeschool journey!

If you’re looking for fun, engaging books to get your kids excited about reading, here are some of the series that are NOT literary masterpieces but have been huge hits in our house and are creating lifelong readers:

The Bad Guys

This is one of the first books our oldest read on his own when he was 6.5 years old. This series is a graphic novel hybrid and, at the time of this writing, includes 19 books in the series! My middle son has now started the series and he loves it just as much as his older brother did!

Ideal reading age: 6-8 years old

Get it here! (Amazon)

The Alien Next Door

This one is a great series with some subtle hints to great lessons – like what it’s like to be an outsider, diversity, and friendship! It’s a quick read – which is great for little ones to feel accomplished. The series currently has 10/11 published and ready for you to read.

Ideal Reading Age: 6-8 years old

Get it here! (Amazon)

My Weird School Collection

These are seriously wacky! But like I said, the wackier, the better! I read one of the books with my middle son and I was laughing at the clever play on words! The book has illustrations throughout and while there are many in the series – and spin off series – you don’t have to read them in order! TIP: You’d have pretty good luck finding these in thrift shops.

Ideal Reading Age: 7-10 years old

Get the boxset here! (Amazon)

Narwhal and Jelly Book

These books are super cute and easy to read. Chances are your little one will finish them in one sitting. For that reason, I try to rent these at the library or thrift them. (I once paid $2 for one on clearance at Target!) There are currently 8 books available in this series with a 9th on its way. It’s considered an early graphic novel. This happy-go-lucky narwhal makes for a happy-go-lucky reading session!

Ideal Reading Age: 6-8 years old

Get it here! (Amazon)

The Last Kids on Earth

My son was probably 7 when he first started reading this series. It’s somewhere in between graphic novel and chapter book. If your kid is into zombies, video games and humor, chances are he’ll love it! And you can read a bit and then see the story come to life in the Netflix series if you’r up for that.

Ideal Reading Age: 8+ (Can assist younger kids)

Get the first book here! (Amazon)

Sideways Stories from Wayside School

I loved these books as a kid! I was so excited to introduce it to my son. It’s just as fun as I remember. It’s wacky, entertaining, and a series – with four books in the series. This would also serve well as a read-aloud to younger kids. The short chapters will keep your child feeling accomplished as the knock out chapter after chapter. [I can even appreciate that as an adult who loves to read!]

Ideal Reading Age: 7-9 years old

Get Book 1 here! (Amazon)

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

If you’re reading this blog post, that means you likely have kids my age. Which also means we are probably around the same age. Which should definitely mean you remember this book series from your younger days! Again, this is one of my FAVORITE series and I was so happy my boy appreciated them as much as I did. We own all 5 books in the series and I can’t wait for my now 7-year old to dive into these!

Ideal Reading Age: 7-10 years old

Get book one here! (Amazon)

The Land of Stories

This is the series my 11 year old is currently reading. But we’ve gotten here because of all of the books that came before! This series has 6 books in it and my son just started on the second book. We actually had this sitting on our shelf for a few years. I had intended on reading it as a read aloud but never got around to it. I’m glad I didn’t and that he’s been able to immerse himself into this fairytale world. He can’t put it down!

Ideal Reading Age: 9+

Get book one here! (Amazon)

At the end of the day, raising lifelong readers isn’t about forcing the “right” books—it’s about fostering a love for reading that will last a lifetime. When we give our kids the freedom to choose books that excite them, we’re showing them that reading isn’t just another school subject—it’s an adventure, a joy, and a lifelong habit. So let them read the silly books, the goofy books, the ones that make them laugh out loud. Because those books are the stepping stones to bigger stories, deeper lessons, and a future where they reach for a book—not because they have to, but because they want to.

What books have your kids fallen in love with? Do they have a favorite “silly” series they can’t get enough of? I’m always looking for new books to add to our homeschool library!

Happy reading, and may your bookshelves always be filled with stories that spark joy, laughter, and a lifelong love of reading! 📚✨

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